Alex is 3.25 months old!
Saturday July 29. A few costume changes due to drooling, and just being a baby. Alex is almost too big for his baby bathtub in the sink - how can that be? See Alex in just a diaper to get the true feeling for his growth. Look at that stomach! Look at those chubby thighs! See the back of his (lumpy) head. Cousin Phyllis gave him the striped Polo outfit, and Maureen gave him the cute "This Little Piggy" outfit.
July 28 pictures. Baby in a bar - see Alex sleep in the Baby Bjorn at Austin Grill while we enjoy Happy Hour. (no one was smoking, they still allow that in VA in restaurants). Alex had such a busy week, he went home and slept 8 1/2 hours.
July 27 pictures. Alex got a teething toy and seems to enjoy it. He is really pushing up on his arms while on his stomach.
July 26 pictures. A visit from Grannie, and Alex had lots of smiles and giggles. See him with a mouth full of formula! See him hold his head up while on his stomach!
July 25 pictures. See Alex look quizically at a brussel sprout! Oh, and according to the Doctor, Alex is teething. No visible teeth yet, but he has all the signs, lots of drool, shoving his fists in his mouth. Alex weighs 14.4 lbs.
