Alex is 2 months 3 weeks old!
Sat July 15. Alex wasn't feeling well, probably fighting some of those new germs he came into contact with at daycare. He slept most of the day and wasn't his usual, smiling self. =(
July 14 pictures. Just a few poses. Bastille Day, but alas, Alex had no beret to wear. We all survived and adjusted to our new routine during a big week of going back to work, and Alex's first week of daycare. Now it's time to enjoy the weekend.
July 13 pictures. See JD multi-task with Alex in the Baby Bjorn while getting salad at the grocery store salad bar. Alex is really starting to hold his head up more, kick a lot, and scoot sideways in the crib. He also drools a lot but supposedly that is normal.
July 12 pictures. Chubby baby! Alex is eating 6 oz. at a time now, and sleeping 9 hours at night. Fingers crossed the 9 hours sticks.
July 11 pictures. Awake, sleeping, smiling, being cute.
July 10 pictures. A very big day. Back to work, and Alex's first day of daycare. He did very well, all the ladies at the daycare took very good care of him, and he slept and ate and was taken for a walk and had a good time.
July 9 pictures. Granny came to visit and Alex had a lot to say to her. He also liked the book Jeff and Kathleen gave him "Goodnight Gorilla".
