Alex is 3 months old!
July 22 and July 23. We went to visit GJ and Poppie for the weekend. Alex had a very good time, he smiled and giggled and slept and really enjoyed the visit.
July 21 pictures. Smiling, sleeping, hanging out in the rocker. Ready for the weekend!
July 20 pictures. We went to Austin Grill for JD's birthday with Carrie, Mitchell and Natalie. See Mitchell eat limes! Alex had a good day at daycare, he went on a field trip to the park.
July 19 pictures. JD's Birthday! Grannie came over to help with Alex and visit while JD was in NY for the day. Alex had a lot of smiles, and took a 3 hour nap!
July 16 and 17 pictures. Alex was 3 months old on Sunday July 16, if you count the weeks, even though he was born on April 23rd. I was in Baltimore at a work meeting for two days, so JD held down the fort. Alex is completely recovered from his weekend illness and is holding his head up on his own a lot this week. And still sucking his fists!