Alex is 3 1/2 months old!
Saturday August 5. A typical relaxing Saturday. Bath time, then Alex hung out, and we went and got an activity saucer from Buy Buy Baby with cousin Marjorie's gift certificate. Alex seemed to like it. See Alex propped up in the seat! See Alex drool at the toys! See Alex fall asleep during one of the greatest movies of all time, "Better Off Dead".
Friday August 4. See Alex in his cute red striped onesie GJ bought him. And for some reason, we can't stop going to Tex-Mex restaurants on Friday evenings. We went to Uncle Julio's Rio Grande Cafe in Fairfax Corner with the Cahoon's. Spencer and Mitchell entertained Alex. See Alex give Natalie's Dora the Explorer doll a big, wet kiss.
August 3 pictures. Just a few. Look at how big and long Alex looks! His next well baby check-up is August 25. Alex watched the movie "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou" and found it intriguing. He really liked the soundtrack.
August 2 pictures. Alex was very happy and smiley and was giggling when we brought him home from daycare. Then he played on the activity mat that is part of the Pack 'n Play Mrs. Okrend gave us. See him balance the ring toy on his face! He is so advanced =).
August 1 pictures. Hot hot hot. Since it was 100 degress yesterday, Alex stayed inside. A nice long visit and help from Grannie. Alex ate and slept and played all day long.
July 31 pictures. Just a few pictures. Alex had a very good day at daycare, when we picked him up he was all smiles and was "talking" to the daycare ladies. He came home and passed out about 6:30 pm and didn't really wake up until 6 am!
Sunday July 30. Another big day. Alex's first museum, The Phillips Collection, to see Renoir's "Luncheon of the Boating Party" and a Klee exhibit. Then a quick visit to Grannie and Nagypapa's in Kensington where Alex entertained us by chewing on Grannie's finger. Still no visible teeth yet.
