Alex is 2 1/2 months old!
July 8 pictures. Another bath, hair like Alfalfa (bad parents), sleeping, hanging with Blue Dog, holding head up. Alex also saw his first fireworks, for Alexandria's 257th birthday last night.
July 7 pictures. Alex hangs out in his "monkey and palm trees" onesie.
July 6 pictures. Alex in his crib, and smiling at JD when he arrived home from NY. Alex slept 9 hours straight, in his crib. A good night!
July 5 pictures. No new tricks today. More fist sucking, hanging out in the crib, smiling.
More July 4th. A fairly quiet 4th, since it was 95 degrees. Had a nice dinner of Omaha Steaks at the Cahoon's. See Alex and JD sleep. See Alex's flat head from lying on it in the same place so much. See Natalie's "Corn Face".
July 4th morning. Just being cute (and chubby).
July 3 pictures. Alex in his crib (from the Cahoon's), loving the mobile Auntie Shaz gave him. Alex hasn't slept in his crib yet, but he did sleep 9 (yes, nine!) hours straight last night. Unreal. Also, see him grab Blue Dog with his legs and throw it.
July 2 pictures. Alex's first power outage. We lost power for 14 hours due to a storm last night. No AC all night, but we survived. Alex sported his "WT" look since he is hot baby. Also, see picture of the tree limb that came down in the middle of our yard.
