
Showing posts from October, 2013

Fort Lauderdale, FL

  Vacation to Fort Lauderdale for Alex's Fall Break.  Sunny, warm, beach, pool, nice hotel and good food.  We stayed at The Atlantic Hotel and Spa and visited Bonnet House Museum and Gardens and Flamingo Gardens .  We also found an indoor arcade for Alex to play putt putt. arriving, hotel, beach pictures more pictures second day pictures Bonnet House Museum and Gardens pictures more pictures Flamingo Gardens pictures more pictures last day, swimming pictures


October 17 Preschool, playing, trains, rain, a Birthday meal(s), a vineyard, naps, snacks, raking leaves with Grannie, Alex's school, haircut, lunch at Grannie's. October 18 sunset, raking leaves, more sunset October 19 Alex's 4th soccer game.  Alex played goalkeeper and his team won 6-1. Halloween open house cooking, Vincent's Halloween costume for friends open house October 20 A beautiful sunny clear Fall day in DC.  Lunch at Cantina Marina with Z & GG, a nice walk on the Mall and in the Hirshhorn sculpture garden and gardens behind the Smithsonian castle.  Then back for a snack at Phillips on the waterfront and to the Capital Yacht Club to end the evening. more day in DC


A heatwave and the government shutdown - a very different October so far. Sept 21 Vincent at preschool, outside digging dirt, Candy Cane City, and Spencer's 15th birthday. October 1 Drawing, eating, reading, yard, Alex's school, park, the dentist and a removal of a kitty tumor for Lincoln. October 7 Alex has 4 teeth pulled, Eastern Market for lunch with Z and GG and Shana.