
Showing posts from November, 2007

Beware of Wigs!

Pictures. Alex likes to make a chair of his megablocks and sit on it. He has also taken to rolling around on the couch. He was very tired last night but managed to eat his spaghetti for dinner. Some new pictures. Beware of Wigs! All you Ab Fab fans out there may remember that line. Duncan is in town visiting and Alex likes hanging out in the office with Duncan and JD. This morning, Alex wanted to wear both his hat and JD's.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday and Saturday. More playing with the car toy box, then we went to the National Portrait Gallery which has this really cool inner courtyard and flat water fountain. We also moved Alex's crib into the hallway of our room since we are having some house guests. Alex didn't seem to mind the new location. One of the things Alex likes to do now is sit on the step down into the TV room. A really nice Thanksgiving. Even though Alex had a bad cold, he did his best to enjoy Thanksgiving. It was 70°F in the morning so we played outside. Toots, Poppie, Shana, Grannie, Nagypapa and Andrea came over and we had a delicious meal. Alex also got some really nice gifts from Toots and Poppie - including a wooden car toy box on wheels he enjoyed riding in, then pushing around. Alex has also learned to throw things away in the trash.
Sunday pictures. Cousin Mace, Suzanne, and their dogs Monty and Jackpot came to visit! Mace and Suzanne babysat for us, and Alex kept them busy. The weather was so nice on Sunday Alex played outside and went for a ride in his wagon. Then he helped rake the leaves. He loves the beach toys Cousin Evie sent too. Recent pictures. Eating, doing a puzzle, eating, sleeping, and discovering the fun of playing in the leaves! Also, this morning Alex saw himself in the mirror and said “Alex” and pointed to himself.
Pictures from the weekend. A relaxing weekend. Alex played in the yard, and we went shopping for a new coat, since giant baby has outgrown all of his clothes. Then the Cahoon's came over on Saturday night, and helped us put together the car bed, which Lincoln thinks is his bed. Alex enjoyed playing the piano with Spencer and Mitchell.
Week of November 5th. Alex continues to add new words each day, and we have discovered he likes to put things in their place and is quickly learning where things go - his hat, his coat, his shoes, etc. He also likes to play with his Lego car.
Pictures from the weekend. Alex kept Grannie and Andrea busy while we attended the Harvest Ball Barb so graciously invited us to again this year - - including a Hummer limo. A great time was had by all as you can see from the pictures.
Alex had a good Halloween. We went to the party at his daycare, and later visited Mrs. Mudd, Kathleen and Jeff. Kathleen, we love the hot dog costume! Halloween pictures. Other pictures from the week.