
Showing posts from 2006

Alex goes to Charlotte!

Charlotte NC trip. Alex meets Aunt Beaty, Uncle Mace, and Cousins Angie and Evie - he had already met Mace and Suzanne in June. We went to visit Aunt Beaty and Uncle Mace in Charlotte for a few days. Cousin Angie was in town from California, and Mace and Suzanne came down from Maryland. Alex also got his second tooth on 12/28, three days after his first! Alex liked Charlotte and wants to go back for a longer visit and to eat some barbecue and visit with Aunt Beaty some more. We also got to see Juanice who was in town. The picture of the yellow house is 2400 Sedley Road, the first house Aunt Beaty and Uncle Mace lived in when they moved to Charlotte. Alex also gave his first "wave" to Cousin Angie!
December 27th. Smiling, being goofy, passing out and drooling. December 26th. Boxing Day at Mike and Debby's! Alex had a good time visiting with everyone. December 25th. Alex got his first tooth this morning! How exciting. We went to Grannie and Nagypapa's for Christmas lunch and presents - Alex really liked the tissue paper. Then we went to see the Cahoon, Kurtz and Estes family. More food, fun, and a gingerbread castle decorating contest. Alex had lots of smiles and laughs for everyone all day long. December 24th. Relaxing, eating, then we went to the Cahoon's for a nice Christmas Eve dinner and visit. Alex liked the train that David had set up, and to chew on the wrapping paper from his gift. Alex also didn't mind when Natalie put her Dora stickers on his back. December 23 pictures. We met Toots in Baltimore for a quick visit, then relaxed the rest of the day - including Lincoln who likes to sit on the leather cube.

Alex's first Thomas the Tank Engine!

December 22. Alex really likes the Drop & Roar Dinosaur Z and GG gave him! The Alex Show continues....... Sleepy baby! Alex was very tired after daycare and passed out after he devoured his applesauce, carrots, and formula. December 18. The Drasdo family gave Alex his first Thomas the Tank Engine, and Percy. Alex liked them a lot, he immediately started banging them together and chewing on them. Alex was very happy to see Dad back from England. Alex's shirt is a little messy from dinner, oops.

Alex as Jackie O!

Sunday Dec 17th. Reaching for the house plant, and eating toast! Saturday Dec 16th. A big weekend. We went to Kensington to visit Grannie and Nagypapa, and attend Mrs. Okrend's Hanukkah dinner. Alex had a great time, and enjoyed playing with Val's cousin's children, Livia and Josh. Alex had challah for the first time and liked it! He also liked to chew on the wooden spoon at Grannie and Nagypapa's. Thurs Dec 14th. Alex has been eating voraciously these past two days - a growth spurt? Who knows. He's eating more food and really grooving on it. See Alex play with the mouse and cheese toy from Maureen, and the blue elephant from Dane, Jenny and Beck, and get close to Lincoln. December 13th and 14th morning. Some pictures for Dad while he is in Manchester. Alex in his snowmen pjs, playing, and passed out! In the last two pictures, Alex was watching Lincoln as he came down the stairs. Pictures from Shana of Alex and Lincoln. Tuesday Dec 12. A bath, a nic...

Welcome Lincoln!

Saturday Dec 9th. A very big Saturday! First, Alex had prunes for the first time. Then he was so tired he fell asleep before we could get him in the car to drive to Baltimore to meet Shana. Alex's first trip to Baltimore, he enjoyed it. We looked at some apartments with Shana, and had snacks, mussels, and beers at Bertha's in Fells Point. Shana found a cool apartment in the Mount Vernon neighborhood of Baltimore. See Alex and JD sitting on the stoop of the building. Friday December 8th. We have adopted Shana's kitty Lincoln, he is 4 years old and a very sweet kitty. He flew up yesterday with Shana from Atlanta. Alex likes him too and we are all happy to have a pet in the house again.

Hooray for the Weekend!

Dec 6th and 7th. Not too much exciting or new these past few days. Lots of napping and eating and "squeal talking". Alex likes to squeal and imitate sounds we make. See Alex asleep in his crib at daycare. Alex is such a good sleeper! Mon Dec 4th Tues Dec 5th morning. Bundled up! It has finally gotten cold here (30°F) so Alex really has to bundle up - and lube his chapped runny nose with Burt's Bees apricot oil! Sunday December 3. Alex ate all the bananas! Mmmmmm. Alex was also very proud of himself, he rolled over on the changing table for the first time. Then we went to visit the Cahoon's, where Alex was enthralled with Natalie. Fri Dec 1 / Sat Dec 2. A relaxing Saturday. Alex took a 2 1/2 hour nap to recover from daycare, then watched football (Manchester United's 2-1 win over Middlesbrough) with Dad. We picked up Grannie from the airport, she had been in Charlotte visiting Aunt Beaty. Then we went to Kensington for a quick visit. Alex likes t...

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 29 and 30. Goodbye November! See our winter blooming camellias. It has been so warm this past week the plants are loving it. Today(Dec 1) it will be 70 degrees again before the cold winter blast hits us. See Alex play with sushi (bad parents! tuna! mercury!). See Alex wear his shirt on his head! See Alex stand! Alex also started doing this thing where he leans his head to the side - pretty cute. Alex has got the hang of eating now, and eats peas and green beens. Just need to get him to master carrots next. November 28th. Just a few pictures. Alex's cold is gone and he is feeling much better. Alex isn't talking yet, but he does say "A da da da da da" a lot. Delmy one of the daycare ladies told me yesterday that Alex likes to flirt! Saturday Nov 25th and Sunday Nov 26th. Alex had a cold, so we just stayed home and relaxed. Alex wanted to go visit Nagypapa for his birthday on Sunday but we had to postpone it. See Alex's red chin from all the ...

Boys' weekend

Nov 20 21 22. Playing, bundled up, eating peas, and chewing chewing chewing on things! Sunday Nov 19 evening . Happy in my new pajamas from Toots! Nov 16-18 . Gabriella's away this weekend, hence the tardiness in posting pictures. We're having a good weekend though. Lots of naps + watching football.

A fun Saturday

Tues/Weds Nov 14, 15. Alex liked the Arthur book. He was exhausted after daycare on Weds, but played a little with the walker toy Cousin Marjorie handed down to us from her boys. Monday Nov 13th. Eating rice cereal - Alex seems to like it now. Rolling over lots, and of course, lots of smiles. Sunday Nov 12th. Natalie and Mitchell in their Sunday School clothes making funny faces! Alex in his "turtle" position, he loves to roll over now and raise up on his arms. Saturday Nov 11th. Cousin Brian's first birthday party in Frederick, MD. Lots of fun, food, children, toys, and cake! Such a lovely day, so warm and sunny. Alex was very happy to see Toots and Poppie, and meet Aunt Danielle who was in town from Colorado.

A big weekend.

Friday Nov 10th. Grannie came over to visit and we had a nice stroll in Old Town it was so warm outside. Thursday Nov 9th. Look Ma, no clothes, it's 70 degrees in November!! Just a few new pictures. It has been a busy two days with Dad in NY for work. Alex was so tired from daycare yesterday he came home and passed out. Alex is trying to say "Cheese" in the picture where his tongue looks funny (or is he the Alien Baby?). Alex also wants to say Happy Birthday to his cousin Brian Blum who turned one year old on November 8th! A bath, bundled up, and smiling. Saturday Nov 4th morning. Napping, sitting up, relaxing before heading to Barb and Bob's for Bert's football game, and the Calvert Memorial Hospital Harvest Ball. Saturday Nov 4th afternoon and evening. Barb and Bob generously hosted us again this year for the Chesapeake Harvest Ball where Barb was a "Thumbelina" Sponsor. First though, we stopped to watch Bert's football game (Go Hor...

Alex rolled over today!

Nov 2 and 3. Alex is really sitting up now. His "orange" food to start was...squash, although technically that is yellow, right? Yummy. He actually liked it much more than the peas. Weds November 1. Alex rolled over officially today. Hooray! Wearing shirt from Auntie Shaz. "Pisher" means "A cute little stinker" according to the tag that came with the shirt.


The boy has just rolled over! Alert the media! Film at 11!

Sitting up!

October 31st. Alex likes to put blankets on his head and hold his feet! Sunday October 29. Happy in the activity saucer, and trying peas. The "mark" on his forehead in some of the pictures is the sun, not The Omen . Honest. Alex also likes to read the Pottery Barn catalog - hmmmm, genetically pre-disposed to shopping? Nah. Saturday Oct 28. A trip to Warrenton to visit Mike and Debby and watch the game. Alex had a great time, he ate and slept and let the kitties sniff him. Friday Oct 27. See Alex smile in his sleep! October 26. We think it is official, Alex can sit up on his own! More rice cereal pictures (wait until we get to the peas), chins, drooling, and just being Alex.


October 25. A very BIG day. Rice cereal twice, and a ride in the grocery cart. Alex seems to tolerate the rice cereal, and he liked the grocery cart experience. Boy gets new "old school" highchair. Father says: "Peg Perego can kiss my *** if they think I'm paying $170 for a piece of cheap plastic. $25 from Target is plenty good enough for my boy!" Click here to see the fascinating pictures.

Roll tide! (AND COME ON YOU REDS!)

Monday Oct 23. Alex's 6 month check-up: shots, shots, shots! Actually, five if you count the flu shot. Alex was fussy and rested most of the evening with JD. Statistics update: 18.6 lbs (50-75th percentile), 28 inches (90-95th percentile). And this week Alex gets to start eating real food. Hooray. Alex also wants to say Happy Birthday to Jeff Kellogg! Sunday Oct 22. Alex really liked hanging out with cousin Jud. Then a quick stop by church and of course, lunch at Kings Island. Alex met Aunt Trina, but alas, we have no pictures of him with Trina. Next time. The sun came out for the lovely drive home - fun fall foliage. Alex slept 2 hours straight on the ride home he had such a big weekend. Saturday Oct 21 - Alex takes a trip to the country. See us watch college football and flirt with the cute college girls! (Dad was so proud!) 'Bama didn't win, but we just beat Liverpool without breaking a sweat. Also, Lauren and Grannie babysat so JD and Gab could go to t...

Alex is getting so big!

October 19. Sleeping, sleeping, more sleeping! Also, JD read Alex the book cousin Evie gave him, "Alexander and the Magic Boat". It was a great book. For those of you that don't know, cousin Evie gave us that book in February 2006, before Alex, before anyone knew he was a boy, and no one knew we had picked the name Alex for a boy. Pretty cool. October 18 evening. Hangin' with Dad! October 17 and 18 morning. Sleeping, wearing his hats, chewing on Grover's nose, on his stomach. No more new tricks, although Alex does like to blow raspberries with his mouth now. Sunday October 15. Alex tried some rice cereal and seemed more interested in chewing on the rubber spoon than the cereal. Grannie and Nagypapa came over to visit. Alex tried on some hats, napped, drooled, and played with his feet. The sweater - and hat - Toots knitted for Alex fit perfectly and he is getting a lot of use out of it since it has turned chilly. October 13 and 14. See Alex relaxing ...

Happy Birthday

With love from your boys.

Weekend in Connecticut

October 9 and 10 morning. A relaxing Columbus Day, Alex enjoyed the Federal Holiday he had off from daycare. Lots of sleeping and fist chewing. See pictures from this morning when he rolled over on the couch from a sitting position! October 7th and 8th. We went to visit Rachel and Jon in Connecticut this weekend. Alex had a very good time, he slept on both plane rides. Highlights of the weekend included apple picking at an orchard, laughing while Lester barked, walks in the park, and apple donuts! Next year Alex wants to do the corn maze.

Alex the Caped Crusader!

October 5th and 6th. Just a few - smiling, holding "tag rattle" from Toots, wearing fall coat (a perfect fit from Toots) because it was cold and rainy today. October 4th. See a picture of Alex in the daycare "multi-stroller" and his towel bib. October 3rd. Trying to sit up, tipping over, holding bottle! October 2nd. Alex and his chins, and thinking about rolling over but not quite yet. Sunday October 1. A very fun day. Watching football with Dad, playing footsie with Dad. Alex was very interested in the computer, and the piece of challah at dinner. This is one of our favorite things that Alex does, when he wears his bib as a cape!

Alex is 5 months old!

Saturday Sept 30th. A bath - see Alex show off his strong neck muscles! Playtime in the activity saucer. Alex's favorite thing to do is chew on the orange star. Grannie and Nagypapa came over for lunch and Alex entertained them by "talking", drooling, napping, laughing, and chewing on his toys. Friday Sept 29. Hooray it's Friday. Naps, daycare, smiles for Dad. Thurs Sept 28th . Napping with Grover (from Rachel and Jon). See Alex wear his hat "Kangol" style (at least that is what Kathleen calls it). Sept 27. Four pictures, morning, afternoon, two in the evening! Is it just me, or does Alex resemble a member of the Lollipop Guild with the hair on top of his head? September 26. Drooling, drooling, drooling. Alex drooled so much they had to change his shirt at daycare. Still no teeth yet. Monday Sept 25. A fairly typical Monday. See a picture of Alex's daycare building, Tiny Tots Playroom. Alex was so tired from the weekend, and daycare, ...

Alex is 21 weeks old!

Saturday September 23. We had a busy day. First, services at Beth El. Alex went to the babysitting room and did fine. Then a nap, then we went to visit Spencer after his birthday party we had to miss. See Alex hold his bottle some more. Rose and Beth were also at Carrie's, and Alex had lots of smiles for them. See Spencer on the BMX track near his house. Natalie had a new purse from Grandma that she loved. Friday September 22. A big day. JD installed Alex's new car seat since he has outgrown the infant carrier. See Alex in his swing at daycare! Then, Rosh Hashanah. See Alex grab for the Kiddush cup! See Alex hold his own bottle - he is so advanced! Then some reading, and of course, sleeping. September 21st. Alex is Gigantor Baby! See him stand on the chair arm! He is also trying to roll over, but not quite yet. September 20 and 21 morning. Dad went to NY for two days, and Alex was glad to see him return as always. Alex just can't stop drooling either. I...

Alex is 20 weeks old!

Sunday Sept 17. In the hospitality suite after the big party, then visiting at Marjorie and Bruce Spivak's house in Carlisle, PA, before our drive home. A great weekend! Saturday Sept 16. David Spivak's Bar Mitzvah in Harrisburg, PA. Alex had a very good time. We also went to Hershey Gardens Saturday afternoon. Alex is really starting to reach out and grab things. September 15. Our first trip to Pennsylvania for David Spivak's Bar Mitzvah. See Alex with Z, Aunt Adele, and Aunt Amie. September 14. Three pictures, and JD captured Alex's boo boo face in the third one. September 13. See Alex in his new fall outfit. See him look like the Pope with the hat pulled up on his head! Sept 11 and Sept 12. Not much new, we've had some chilly weather (63°F) so Alex had to wear pants for the first time! The fleece ones Dane and Jenny sent us came in handy. Sunday September 10. A visit to Grannie and Nagypapa in Kensington. Alex smiled and stood up and entertain...

When the cat's away!

Tuesday September 5. Alex rocks the house with Dad as Mom is away on a business trip. We watched football, played video games, and even wore new pyjamas. Wednesday September 6. Father and son self-portraits, and fun with webcams. Thursday Sept 7 and Friday Sept 8. See Alex grab his feet, his new trick. Also, see him clash in his striped onesie with Dad, and striped blanket. Stripes everywhere! Saturday Sept 9. A relaxing Saturday, Alex played and watched football with Dad. Then we went to Red Hot & Blue (BBQ) with the Cahoon's! Mitchell held Alex and he liked it.

Alex is 4 months 3 weeks old!

Monday Sept 4. A quiet Labor Day. Alex hung out, played, and napped. Alex is almost too big for his sink tub. Big baby! 

Alex's First Vacation

Monday August 28. Alex is enjoying many firsts, including his first pool experience. See all his exciting adventures on Day 1 of Beach Week. Tuesday August 29. More beach, more pool, more fun! Wed/Thurs August 30/31. Alex calmly awaits his first hurricane (mostly by napping and smiling) Friday September 1 Wind, rain and flooding as Ernesto hits North Carolina. The Outer Banks were largely spared as the storm came ashore further west. Saturday September 2 The day after Ernesto couldn't have been nicer as Alex enjoyed his last full day in North Cackalacky. We saw two piers, sat out by the pool, and ate loads of fried food for dinner. Alex found out exactly what sort of parents he had, too, when he woke in a puddle of his own excrement after we all took two hour naps without changing him out of his "swimmy diaper" first, which led to another first: his first shower with his dad. Alex in the pool pictures. Sunday September 3. Back from the beach. Alex was very good on...

Alex is 4 months old!

Saturday August 26. Alex relaxed at home, napped, watched some soccer, and read his first Dr. Seuss book, "Hop on Pop". He also discovered he liked to chew on his rubber duck during his bath. Friday August 25. Statistics update: Alex had his 4 month check-up this morning and Dr. Park said he looked fabulous and is doing excellent! Alex weighs 16lbs 11oz (75-90th percentile), and is 26 3/4 inches long (95-97th percentile). Alex's right lower central incisor tooth is in place but has not broken through yet. He also got four more immunizations that made him cry, but he bounced back and was able to go to daycare all day. Alex can't WAIT to go on vacation on Sunday to the beach ( Kill Devil Hills, NC ). August 24 pictures. Dad's back from NY! Alex had more smiles for him. August 23 pictures. Just a few, no new tricks today. See Alex propped in the red chair. August 22 pictures. Dad is back from England! Hooray! Alex had lots of smiles for him. Alex al...

Happy Birthday Z! Love, Alex

Happy Birthday to David Cahoon also.