Alex is 5 months old!
Saturday Sept 30th. A bath - see Alex show off his strong neck muscles! Playtime in the activity saucer. Alex's favorite thing to do is chew on the orange star. Grannie and Nagypapa came over for lunch and Alex entertained them by "talking", drooling, napping, laughing, and chewing on his toys.
Friday Sept 29. Hooray it's Friday. Naps, daycare, smiles for Dad.
Thurs Sept 28th. Napping with Grover (from Rachel and Jon). See Alex wear his hat "Kangol" style (at least that is what Kathleen calls it).
Sept 27. Four pictures, morning, afternoon, two in the evening! Is it just me, or does Alex resemble a member of the Lollipop Guild with the hair on top of his head?
September 26. Drooling, drooling, drooling. Alex drooled so much they had to change his shirt at daycare. Still no teeth yet.
Monday Sept 25. A fairly typical Monday. See a picture of Alex's daycare building, Tiny Tots Playroom. Alex was so tired from the weekend, and daycare, he came home and passed out. See Alex's "faux-hawk" since his hair is getting longer on top.
Sunday September 24. A visit from Toots (GJ) and Poppie! Trying on a new hat, some naps, and of course, drooling. Alex had a good visit.
