Alex as Jackie O!
Sunday Dec 17th. Reaching for the house plant, and eating toast!
Saturday Dec 16th. A big weekend. We went to Kensington to visit Grannie and Nagypapa, and attend Mrs. Okrend's Hanukkah dinner. Alex had a great time, and enjoyed playing with Val's cousin's children, Livia and Josh. Alex had challah for the first time and liked it! He also liked to chew on the wooden spoon at Grannie and Nagypapa's.
Thurs Dec 14th. Alex has been eating voraciously these past two days - a growth spurt? Who knows. He's eating more food and really grooving on it. See Alex play with the mouse and cheese toy from Maureen, and the blue elephant from Dane, Jenny and Beck, and get close to Lincoln.
December 13th and 14th morning. Some pictures for Dad while he is in Manchester. Alex in his snowmen pjs, playing, and passed out! In the last two pictures, Alex was watching Lincoln as he came down the stairs.
Pictures from Shana of Alex and Lincoln.
Tuesday Dec 12. A bath, a nice sunset, and playing and reading!
Monday Dec 11. Alex was so exhausted from daycare, and his weekend with Auntie Shaz, he passed out while having dinner.
Sunday December 10th. Quite possibly the funniest picture of Alex wearing Auntie Shaz's sunglasses! "How fabulous am I?"
