Happy Thanksgiving!
November 29 and 30. Goodbye November! See our winter blooming camellias. It has been so warm this past week the plants are loving it. Today(Dec 1) it will be 70 degrees again before the cold winter blast hits us. See Alex play with sushi (bad parents! tuna! mercury!). See Alex wear his shirt on his head! See Alex stand! Alex also started doing this thing where he leans his head to the side - pretty cute. Alex has got the hang of eating now, and eats peas and green beens. Just need to get him to master carrots next.
November 28th. Just a few pictures. Alex's cold is gone and he is feeling much better. Alex isn't talking yet, but he does say "A da da da da da" a lot. Delmy one of the daycare ladies told me yesterday that Alex likes to flirt!
Saturday Nov 25th and Sunday Nov 26th. Alex had a cold, so we just stayed home and relaxed. Alex wanted to go visit Nagypapa for his birthday on Sunday but we had to postpone it. See Alex's red chin from all the sick drool. ick. Happy Birthday to cousin Bryn whose birthday was also on Sunday.
Friday Nov 24th. Alex took a nap on Toots before she left to go home to Delaware. Then we went to visit the Mudds in Rockville, and see Kathleen and Jeff. Hey Hoss!
A very fun and yummy Thanksgiving. (beware, turkey carcass pictures included). Alex had a good first Thanksgiving, he gots lots of Grandma love. Grannie and Nagypapa and Toots and Poppie joined us for the holiday meal. Our new kitchen held up nicely - let's hear it for the convection oven and cabinet depth fridge! It only took 3 1/2 hours to cook the 22 lb. bird. Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Pictures include: prep the night before and defrosting the turkey in the bathtub using Alex's baby tub weighted with a paint can (sorry Alton, we couldn't find a brick to use) .
