Sitting up!
October 31st. Alex likes to put blankets on his head and hold his feet!
Sunday October 29. Happy in the activity saucer, and trying peas. The "mark" on his forehead in some of the pictures is the sun, not The Omen. Honest. Alex also likes to read the Pottery Barn catalog - hmmmm, genetically pre-disposed to shopping? Nah.
Saturday Oct 28. A trip to Warrenton to visit Mike and Debby and watch the game. Alex had a great time, he ate and slept and let the kitties sniff him.
Friday Oct 27. See Alex smile in his sleep!
October 26. We think it is official, Alex can sit up on his own! More rice cereal pictures (wait until we get to the peas), chins, drooling, and just being Alex.
