A fun Saturday
Tues/Weds Nov 14, 15. Alex liked the Arthur book. He was exhausted after daycare on Weds, but played a little with the walker toy Cousin Marjorie handed down to us from her boys.
Monday Nov 13th. Eating rice cereal - Alex seems to like it now. Rolling over lots, and of course, lots of smiles.
Sunday Nov 12th. Natalie and Mitchell in their Sunday School clothes making funny faces! Alex in his "turtle" position, he loves to roll over now and raise up on his arms.
Saturday Nov 11th. Cousin Brian's first birthday party in Frederick, MD. Lots of fun, food, children, toys, and cake! Such a lovely day, so warm and sunny. Alex was very happy to see Toots and Poppie, and meet Aunt Danielle who was in town from Colorado.
