
Showing posts from 2007


Fun at the beach. We spent three days at Bethany with Carrie, David, Spencer, Mitchell, Natalie, Rose, Beth, Kathleen & Jeff! What fun. Lots of good food, laughs, playing the Wii, karaoke, and just hanging out. Maureen, John and Maisie who were also in Bethany came over for dinner. Check out that 10 lb prime rib Jeff cooked! We tore it up.
New pictures Eating a pear. Going to National Geographic in DC with Spencer and Mitchell and the Cahoon's. Eating ice cream. Gee, I thought Liverpool had an "l" at the end? Transferring crayons and carrying them around. Finally, a haircut!
Pictures from the week. Alex begging popcorn from JD. Visiting at Grannie and Nagypapa's. Washing the dishes at daycare. Playing the piano. Sleeping with sock monkey. New words this week include "No!" and "Bite" as in "let me have a bite of what you're eating".
Barb's Holiday Dinner. Barb hosted a really nice dinner for family and friends at Bobby Van's Steakhouse. We couldn't get Alex to stand with all the other children for the group reindeer portrait, he was too busy running around the room. Thanks Barb for a really nice dinner and evening.
December 15. Playing and eating and playing and being a goofball. Alex thought it was funny to wipe my mouth with the washcloth after I wiped his. At daycare Alex likes to dance to the music so we got out his radio at home. Alex also liked chasing Lincoln with the new cat toy. Later, completely unprompted, Alex pulled up his pants and was walking around. Perhaps the overalls made him want to do a jig.
Alex with the crazy hair. More pictures from last week.
December 11. Ice skating at Reston Town Center with Carrie, Spencer, Mitchell and Natalie. Alex enjoyed the holiday lights.
Big weekend picture dump. We spent the weekend in Delaware at Toots and Poppie's for Hanukkah. Ilana, Craig, Brian (25 months) and Lindsey (6 months) were also there, and Aunt Shana. A lot of fun was had as you can see by the pictures. I don't know who was more excited by the fact that Toots had kept JD's Matchbox cars - Alex or JD! Then on Sunday we went to the Brandywine River Museum to see the train exhibit, and to the Charcoal Pit for lunch. Mmmmmmmmmmm. December 7th. Reading, crazy hair, and a really cool truck puzzle from Cousin's Jackie and Jud.
December 5th. Fun at Grannie's, including another gift, doughnuts, and sitting at the table. Alex also likes to try to do Nagypapa's hand trick himself. December 4th. Gifts and brisket and a cool menorah from Toots.
Saturday Sunday Alex and I spent the weekend in Kensington at Grannie and Nagypapa's since JD was in England. We had a good time. Alex got a new toy lawnmower he loved. He also enjoyed looking at all of Nagypapa's radio equipment, watching the squirrels in the front yard, using the computer, and playing with an old school telephone.

Beware of Wigs!

Pictures. Alex likes to make a chair of his megablocks and sit on it. He has also taken to rolling around on the couch. He was very tired last night but managed to eat his spaghetti for dinner. Some new pictures. Beware of Wigs! All you Ab Fab fans out there may remember that line. Duncan is in town visiting and Alex likes hanging out in the office with Duncan and JD. This morning, Alex wanted to wear both his hat and JD's.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday and Saturday. More playing with the car toy box, then we went to the National Portrait Gallery which has this really cool inner courtyard and flat water fountain. We also moved Alex's crib into the hallway of our room since we are having some house guests. Alex didn't seem to mind the new location. One of the things Alex likes to do now is sit on the step down into the TV room. A really nice Thanksgiving. Even though Alex had a bad cold, he did his best to enjoy Thanksgiving. It was 70°F in the morning so we played outside. Toots, Poppie, Shana, Grannie, Nagypapa and Andrea came over and we had a delicious meal. Alex also got some really nice gifts from Toots and Poppie - including a wooden car toy box on wheels he enjoyed riding in, then pushing around. Alex has also learned to throw things away in the trash.
Sunday pictures. Cousin Mace, Suzanne, and their dogs Monty and Jackpot came to visit! Mace and Suzanne babysat for us, and Alex kept them busy. The weather was so nice on Sunday Alex played outside and went for a ride in his wagon. Then he helped rake the leaves. He loves the beach toys Cousin Evie sent too. Recent pictures. Eating, doing a puzzle, eating, sleeping, and discovering the fun of playing in the leaves! Also, this morning Alex saw himself in the mirror and said “Alex” and pointed to himself.
Pictures from the weekend. A relaxing weekend. Alex played in the yard, and we went shopping for a new coat, since giant baby has outgrown all of his clothes. Then the Cahoon's came over on Saturday night, and helped us put together the car bed, which Lincoln thinks is his bed. Alex enjoyed playing the piano with Spencer and Mitchell.
Week of November 5th. Alex continues to add new words each day, and we have discovered he likes to put things in their place and is quickly learning where things go - his hat, his coat, his shoes, etc. He also likes to play with his Lego car.
Pictures from the weekend. Alex kept Grannie and Andrea busy while we attended the Harvest Ball Barb so graciously invited us to again this year - - including a Hummer limo. A great time was had by all as you can see from the pictures.
Alex had a good Halloween. We went to the party at his daycare, and later visited Mrs. Mudd, Kathleen and Jeff. Kathleen, we love the hot dog costume! Halloween pictures. Other pictures from the week.

Alex as Scooby-Doo

Sunday October 28th. Fun at the Baltimore Aquarium with Toots and Poppie, then Rose and Beth's Halloween party. Alex enjoyed running around the aquarium, all the cool fish and turtles and stingrays and sharks, and the dolphins! At the Halloween party, Alex wore his Scooby-Doo costume which was almost too small for him, oops. He ate some yummy food, played with Natalie's fairy princess wand, made a sticker trick or treat bag, frosted cookies with Vicky, discovered candy corn, and of course, passed out on the way home from all the fun.

18 month check-up

18 month check-up, all is well and on schedule. Only one shot this time. Stats: Weight 25.9 lbs (50th percentile) Height 33" (75th percentile) Head (still big) 19 3/4 (95-97th percentile) Recent pictures. Let's see, what happened this week? Well, we finally got rain for first time in what seems like months, but we needed it. Guess that is why it rained for three days straight. Alex continues to add words, eat lots, and just do his thing. He also continues to like to hold boxes, including Lincoln's new scratching pad. What's this iceberg lettuce stuff? Brusha brusha brusha. Gimme that book! Waiting for the doctor. Bed head.

A boy and his waffles

A boy and his waffles. "I just want to be a boy with my waffles". Oh, and note the first picture, Alex loves to get at the computer. Pumpkins! Alex loves to play with the pumpkins in the morning before we take him to daycare. I was also trying to get a picture at daycare of Alex and JD dressed alike (by mistake? on purpose?) but Alex didn't want to sit still and ran into his classroom.


Pictures below from last week and the weekend. A busy fun week and weekend with a slight injury. Alex fell on a container and bruised and cut around his left eye. Ouch! On Saturday we went to Hains Point to see "The Awakening" sculpture, then Grannie babysat for us. Alex behaved and ate tons and played a lot. New words include "airplane" and "squirrel". October 19. October 20. October 21.

Pumpkin patch

Pumpkins! Alex wasn't too sure about the pumpkin patch (at the local church where we always get our pumpkins). He had just woken up from his nap and was teething, and seemed more interested in eating the dirt than picking a pumpkin.

Miss Natalie in charge!

A really fun birthday. Carrie and David, if you are accessing internet from Denver - - we had a great time last night babysitting! (Although I bet those 1,600 beers are keeping you busy). As you can see from the pictures, a great time was had by all. Let's see, we ate your yummy dinner, played with the Wii, Alex ate your apples, the boys played soccer, Natalie showed Alex around, and we had birthday cake! Then we had a great breakfast, played some more, and were off to Maryland for a birthday lunch at Ferdinand's. Kathleen and Val, those pictures are for you! Luckily there were enough croutons on the salad bar as we got there early. And thanks for the beautiful flowers Val. More pictures from Saturday. Alex enjoyed visiting with Grannie and Nagypapa where he helped refill the bird bath with water. He played with the windchimes with Andrea, and he knows where his belly button is! Then he submitted to being measured - 31 inches tall!
Recent pictures. See Alex point to his bottom then run behind the red chair! See Alex help Dad get ready to go to NY. See Alex climb up on the couch - and the mosquito bites on his leg, ouch. See Alex in his new shirt from Toots, since it finally got colder today! Fun in Annapolis on Saturday. Z and GG were in town for the US Sailboat show, so we met them in Annapolis. Alex was kind enough to take his nap in the stroller while we enjoyed some beverages and the lovely day.
Recent pictures. Messy eating pictures. Playing before going to daycare. Having a nice dinner at Sol de Espana in Rockville. Playing in the waiting room of DCA with Grannie's shopping bag.
Alex loves the new books Z and GG sent him! "The Grouchy Ladybug" and "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". Alex especially like the holes in the book. Alex can count to two also. 1....2.....

Finally, a haircut!

A busy weekend. We had a good but busy weekend. Toots came to visit, and Shana moved to DC. Then on Sunday we took Alex for a haircut, and then to Mount Vernon where it was "Revolutionary War Encampment" weekend complete with cannons. Alex's new word for the day is "obelisk" that Aunt Shana taught him when we were driving into DC. Pictures from the past week - see links below. Alex likes to dip his waffles in syrup, and one night we had spaghetti. He can also reach the front door, watch out! What else? He needs a haircut but I don't think that bothers him. He loves trucks and buses, since we see a lot near where we live. Alex will see one and shout "Truck! Bus!". This week he also did something funny, he walked into the lawn sprinkler and just stood there. Scarf 2007_09_23 2007_09_25 2007_09_27

Boy in a box

Who knew canvas boxes could be so much fun? Alex enjoyed his new storage in today's pictures . We're also learning how to make funny noises .
Pictures from the week. Eating. Mom, stop combing my hair down over my forehead so I look like a dork. Lincoln says "Let me outside I want those birds!" Sitting behind favorite red chair, also favorite place to go big potty. Nice. Thank you for sharing! Walking around with "Go Dog Go!" Looking out the front door with Lincoln at the neighborhood dogs and birds. A few pictures from daycare. Teething and biting.
Week of September 10th. Alex’s first full week in the Toddler Room at daycare. He was a bit whiny and cried but he also had a cold and was teething – those molars have been coming in for two months now. Ms. Lanita said Alex played in the playground instead of walking around the wood chips like he usually does . On Friday when we picked him up it was the first time he wasn’t crying when we picked him up. Ms. Melanie was blowing bubbles and Alex was watching them and playing with the popcorn popper toy. Alex has mastered saying "bye bye". In the picture where Alex is squinting he is saying "cheese" for the camera. And he still likes to take that right shoe off!

Whoa that's a big cookie!

Pictures from the weekend. Alex had a good weekend even though it was really hot(93°F). On Sunday we went to the Art Festival in Alexandria. Alex likes to take his right shoe off these days as you'll see from the picture. Then Dad made a really good lamb curry for dinner. Alex's new trick is to bark when he sees a dog, "a woo woo woo".
Playing Playing Playing. JD got some good shots of Alex playing on his train.
A few more pictures from this week. Alex is getting tall enough to reach the keyboard on the desk. We also went out to eat this week and Alex discovered the fine art of dipping his french fries in ketchup. September 2nd. Met Aunt Shana for lunch in Woodley Park, then we went to the National Zoo . Alex saw cheetahs, a scimitar-horned oryx, a maned wolf, a red panda, the Giant Pandas (one was eating bamboo, one was sleeping on his back), elephants, a hippo, a capybara (which are the largest of all rodents), apes, a Komodo dragon, and a orangutan. Alex really enjoyed going through the water misters the Zoo has. Saturday Sept 1st. A really nice day, we went for a walk, then to the Cahoon's for a cookout and some crabs. Alex liked the glow stick bracelets Rose had for the children.
A few more pictures from the week. The Drasdo's were in town on holiday from England and came over for dinner. We'll wait for the professional shots from Duncan. Callum and Tiernan had a great time playing with Alex's toys. Alex is also getting so big he can get up on the toy train Z and GG gave him with no problem now. Shovel in hand + falling = exterior eyelid wound We had our first toddler accident on Friday. Luckily some Neosporin was all that was required, but Alex has a nice shiner. It is his right eye in the picture. Alex's first pair of shoes. Went to the mall, got him fitted, got some new shoes! Alex really liked them and took off right away walking all around the mall. Recent Pictures. Including a BBQ at Alex's daycare and a moonbounce. Yes, that is a scratch on Alex's left cheek, hazards of the Toddler Room. Alex has been busy the past few days. He stayed with Grannie and Nagypapa for three whole days! He had a great time, eating tons ...

Maureen's Baby Shower

Maureen's Baby Shower. A really nice party, and Maisie was ready for her closeup!
The Great Frying Pan Park Adventure. What a great day! First, there was a game to watch. Then we were invited along to the annual Kurtz July August Birthday Celebration. The weather was too cool and overcast to go to the Water Mine Family Swimmin' Hole as planned, so the event was moved to Frying Pan Park, complete with farm animals to visit. Then we went to the Cahoon's swimming pool after it warmed up slightly. Alex had so much fun he passed out in the car on the way home. Friday Saturday big picture dump. For some reason a few of these loaded out of order. Alex continues to attempt eating with utensils and walking walking walking! He is about to graduate to Room 2 at daycare and join the other toddlers. The ladies at daycare told us Alex likes to dance, and puts his hands against the wall and stomps one leg to the music.
Pictures from the past few days. Z was in town for a conference so we went to visit him at the hotel. Alex really liked Z's yellow hat. Then we went to a tasty new Greek restaurant where Alex wanted to eat the salad out of the bowl with a fork, but wasn't sure about the radish. Alex is in mimic mode - yesterday he learned where his nose was. He also says "night night", "bird", and "mas" when he wants more food. He continues to call Lincoln "Diddy Cat".


Couch games. Alex likes to sit on the couch and be goofy. When Alex walks he clenches his fists together for balance. Movie of Alex walking into Dad's office.
Pictures. It was an orange kind of week. Alex continues to walk more and more each day. He also likes playing with Dad's Blackberry. Grannie came over and put on Alex the shoes that Rachel and Jon gave him. He seemed to really like walking in them.

Alex walks!

NEWS FLASH August 8, 2007 5:47 pm EDT - Alex just walked! When I got to daycare this afternoon to pick up Alex they were very excited to tell me Alex had walked! Then when we got home just now, he walked from the living room into my office by himself! Thinking about letting go pictures. A few movies here - Alex still has a some work to do on the stopping part. Crash Walking More Walking
Big picture dump. More from the weekend and up to yesterday. Watching football, eating, playing, reading - look at that belly! Some new pictures. Alex has been a bit fussy due to teething these past few days. He continues to stand for a few seconds at a time, but no official walking just yet. It has been so hot and humid these past 5 days Alex has stayed inside, playing with his Little People and puzzles.


Well there's no mistaking it. Alex is definitely standing. It's been caught on film too . While the movie's downloading, have a look at CORN BOY . Click here for more pics .
Recent pictures. Playing with an empty tissue box, eating a pineapple popsicle (mmmmmm), playing with the buckles on the small high chair seat - did we mention Alex is really into buckles? Pictures from the past few days. Alex likes playing with the Legos Vicky gave us. Notice his VERY messy shirt, hazards of toddler eating. Yesterday we had a busy day, we got a new crib set up for Alex at Grannie and Nagypapa's where he promptly dove in to take a nap. Then we went to the Cahoon's to visit and have a nice dinner. Spencer made a really cool wagon contraption for Natalie and Alex to ride in, complete with a canopy. Thanks Spencer!
15 month check-up stats Height 32" 75th percentile Weight 24lbs 4.5 oz 50th percentile Head 19 1/2" 95-97th percentile A few pictures. Alex liked trying to eat with a spoon yesterday, although biting on it was more fun that eating with it. He continues to like to put things on his head, including his pants. Alex also wants to give a shout out to Maureen and John , who welcomed Maisie Justine on Monday, July 23. A big congratulations to everyone, especially Aunt Kathleen and Uncle Jeff!

Happy Birthday Dad!

Pictures from the weekend. Alex liked trying to buckle the strap on the grocery cart. Saturday night we had a nice gathering for JD's birthday. Alex enjoyed blowing bubbles with Carrie and Mitchell. Walking update - Alex took a step unassisted on Sunday, but then went back to crawling. July 20th. Eating, playing, pushing things around. July 19th - Happy Birthday Dad. To celebrate we went to Generous George's for lunch with Carrie and Spencer, Mitchell and Natalie. See Mitchell's "plate art". Later in the evening we had cake, and Alex really enjoyed it. Pictures from the past few days. Beware, corn on the cob messy eating pictures. Alex is teething this week, he is cutting a molar, so he's been a bit cranky, but still manages to eat and sleep well.
July 14th and 15th. A nice visit to Toots and Poppie's. Alex liked crawling up the stairs and learned how to crawl down too. Alex also started to let go for two seconds and stand without holding anything, and took a step or two! We also enjoyed a nice walk at Winterthur.
Tues Weds a few this morning. Alex liked drinking his milk from the single serve container with a straw. Alex's latest skill is pushing things around, including the brown cube footrest. Pictures from the past few days. Alex helped Dad put together the new "audio pier" for our electronics equipment in the TV room. Alex also likes to stand propped against things now. Last night Alex enjoyed asparagus which he never had before, and some yummy blueberries for dessert. Everyday at daycare the ladies tell us what a good eater Alex is - as if we had any doubt! We've also decided that Alex has the "Caesar" haircut, which is so early 90's....eek. Alex likes to read Red News! Sleeping, reading Red News, crawling over Dad, playing...

Hangin' with Dad

July 4th. A quiet day at home, Shana came down to visit. Alex likes to take big bites of his food, and try and touch the computer when we aren't looking! Pictures from earlier this week. The old TV and....the new TV! Hooray! A really nice Sunday. No humidity, we hung out and went for a walk in Old Town.

The first "paid for" haircut!

More of the new haircut. Pictures from a few days before, and the haircut. Alex's hair was getting really long so we took him to a barber for a haircut. Not having a regular barber, JD chose the last one he went to in Washington DC in 1993, Camillo's! Click here to see a movie from the shop.
Some pictures from this week. Playing, crawling, drooling, eating, in need of a haircut - there're all here. Sunday June 24th. A visit to Ilana and Craig and Brian's in Frederick MD to meet Lindsey who was born on June 7th. Alex had fun playing in Brian's pool, and later playing with Brian and all his cool toys. It was also great to see Toots and Poppie and Shana and Danielle (who was in from Colorado for a visit). More from Gary's camera.

Cahoon Summer Picnic (Carrie's quasi-Retirement Party)

A really fun party - moon bounce, great BBQ cooked by David Cahoon, and lots of friends and family. Unfortunately there aren't many pictures, we were too busy having fun. Even Barb rallied after her foot surgery on Friday to attend.

Alex still likes to put things on his head

Pictures from the week. Another big week - a spider bite (!), molars starting to come in, a bath in the kitchen sink - the fun never stops. Sunday June 17. A nice Father's Day, lunch at Ferdinand's (!!), then we went to the Cahoon's for some Famous Dave's BBQ and sandbox fun - see Spencer, Mitchell and Natalie after they buried their feet in the wet sand. Saturday June 16. Alex's new favorite item is the blue furry pillow. Also, Grannie and Nagypapa babysat and Grannie made Alex the famous "Zucchini Casserole" which he devoured! Alex still likes to put things on his head and squeal. Hmmm, wonder where he got that from? Also, he has started going up the stairs (don't worry we'll get a rail at some point). Alex also discovered the on/off button on the TV. Great.

Lee & Amy's 8th Annual Summer Lawn Party

All the pictures. A great day on the Eastern Shore for Lee and Amy's party.

Alex likes to do his drawings...

Friday pix. Look how big Alex is getting! Weds Thurs pictures. More drawing, Lincoln, standing, napping. Grannie came over on Thurs for a bit. See Alex try to run her over with his walker, after she gave him ice cream! June 5th pictures. Ok, I wrote "Alex", but the rest is an Alex original. Alex is moving faster and faster around the house, but not walking yet. He likes to chase Lincoln and we have taken to saying "Run Lincoln run!".

mmmmm corn on the cob!

The big picture dump. It's been a busy week, so here are all the pictures. Memorial Day. Mmmm, corn on the cob and a barbecue with the Cahoon's. Alex had a fun time playing with Spencer, Mitchell and Natalie and didn't seem to mind Mitchell riding his train.

A visit from Toots!

Sunday May 27. Toots came to visit and Alex had a great time playing with her. Part 2 more pictures from Toots' camera. The big accomplishment this weekend, aside from enjoying Memorial Day and his first boat ride, was Alex learning to climb down the step into our TV/dining room area.

Happy Birthday Evie!

Pictures from Saturday May 26. Cousin Evie's Surprise Birthday Party at Mace and Suzanne's! A lovely Memorial Day Weekend, good food and a boat ride to Annapolis. Alex enjoyed playing with the balloons, the boat ride, and watching the dogs Monty and Jackpot - especially Jackpot - frolic on Mace's boat.