18 month check-up
18 month check-up, all is well and on schedule. Only one shot this time.
Weight 25.9 lbs (50th percentile)
Height 33" (75th percentile)
Head (still big) 19 3/4 (95-97th percentile)
Recent pictures. Let's see, what happened this week? Well, we finally got rain for first time in what seems like months, but we needed it. Guess that is why it rained for three days straight. Alex continues to add words, eat lots, and just do his thing. He also continues to like to hold boxes, including Lincoln's new scratching pad.
What's this iceberg lettuce stuff?
Brusha brusha brusha.
Gimme that book!
Waiting for the doctor.
Bed head.
Weight 25.9 lbs (50th percentile)
Height 33" (75th percentile)
Head (still big) 19 3/4 (95-97th percentile)
Recent pictures. Let's see, what happened this week? Well, we finally got rain for first time in what seems like months, but we needed it. Guess that is why it rained for three days straight. Alex continues to add words, eat lots, and just do his thing. He also continues to like to hold boxes, including Lincoln's new scratching pad.
What's this iceberg lettuce stuff?
Brusha brusha brusha.
Gimme that book!
Waiting for the doctor.
Bed head.