Finally, a haircut!

A busy weekend. We had a good but busy weekend. Toots came to visit, and Shana moved to DC. Then on Sunday we took Alex for a haircut, and then to Mount Vernon where it was "Revolutionary War Encampment" weekend complete with cannons. Alex's new word for the day is "obelisk" that Aunt Shana taught him when we were driving into DC.

Pictures from the past week - see links below. Alex likes to dip his waffles in syrup, and one night we had spaghetti. He can also reach the front door, watch out! What else? He needs a haircut but I don't think that bothers him. He loves trucks and buses, since we see a lot near where we live. Alex will see one and shout "Truck! Bus!". This week he also did something funny, he walked into the lawn sprinkler and just stood there.




