Paris - Brussels - IAD - Kensington - Amtrak NCR to NYP, WTC/Ground Zero/Freedom Tower, EWR to CDG
so much fun and memories for a lifetime!
thanks to JD for having to speak at the Next 2018 conference for P2Sample
wowing them at NEXT 2018 NYC
go P2Sample
2nd Avenue deli
Alex had to have his matzoh ball soup
not as good as Aunt Adele's and Phyllis's but it will do
memories of Altoona Passover
I was not there but.. I hear Marjorie, Bruce and David were
look at Vincent trying to get it all in his mouth
oh, sniff, not sure what to say
thinking of you ML
able to sleep anywhere
a gift
especially a train
this is Alex's jean jacket from when he was 10
Vincent just took it from the closet and started wearing it
Vincent is 6
Alex helps Vincent fix his hair
they have been experimenting with French vs. US hair product
file under "did you ever think"
did I ever think I would be dropping my husband and two sons
off at New Carrollton station to NYC in April 2018
when Bela dropped me off there 31 years ago August 1987
for NYU orientation
life is funny like that, in a very good way
Holy Cross Hospital.
GMB born there.
Maisie too!
Surrender Dorothy
Angel of the Annunciation, Gabriel
$x million cash:
How is this 6 year old as tall as his Grannie? cute!
Hugs forever.
Gary Altman Gary Altman!
Mary Hartman Mary Hartman
thanks Ron!
The quilt Amy made for Alex when he was born
Alex was glad to use it again