Dog Days of August


But who can complain, really, when it was actually chilly last week in DC in August?  Odd, but we'll take it after one of the hottest summers ever last year.  Alex continues his adventures at camp, where it was "Team Olympics" and Alex was on the green team.  What would we do without Party City for supplies?

More camp, Grannie, Alex lost tooth #5, challah, Pho, playground, haircuts at Olypmic Barbershop Kensington, dinner outside at The Limerick Pub in Wheaton (good food and drink).

more pictures
Vincent's pajama day at camp, Alex's green team day at camp, lunch at Jaleo in Bethesda.

Alex camp pictures
He's in all of them - see if you can spot him.

Alex swimming video

pictures - Frank-Eli came over to visit

pictures - goofing around the house

pictures - reading, Green Team day, outside
