Lynchburg, VA - Aunt Beaty's Memorial Service

picturesJune 14
more farm pictures
Friday - driving down to Lynchburg, snacks and picnic provisions at Whole Foods in Charlottesville, meeting Uncle Mace, Angie, Evie, Mace, Suzanne and Eddy at the Coleman Farm Homestead in Appomattox for dinner, to the Best Western.

picturesJune 15

obituaryAunt Beaty's Memorial Service.
Motel fun, free breakfast, church, service, reception, pool fun,

picturesJune 16

more cemetery pictures
Football at the motel, stopping by Amherst, VA on the way home to see Papa's church and the Mt. Pleasant cemetery full of relatives.  Vincent enjoyed running around and we saw our first cicada.

picturesJune 13
Before we left - Legos, playing with recycling, reading, eating, playing, dancing.

In case you were wondering:

one room schoolhouse where Grannie's parents (Eva Fauber Wright and Clarence Ellis Wright) went to school:

house where Grannie was born:
