Champ de Mars, hanging at the apartment, playground, Guitar Hero, meeting up with my friend Stan while he was in Paris for work, reading, baking (!) from Duncan Hines mixes. Cost: 5 euros, or $7.50 US each box. Seriously! More school pictures, the American Church, Champs Elysees Marche Noel, and Alex got to take Coco the Monkey home for the weekend.
Champ de Mars, hanging at the apartment, playground, Guitar Hero, meeting up with my friend Stan while he was in Paris for work, reading, baking (!) from Duncan Hines mixes. Cost: 5 euros, or $7.50 US each box. Seriously! More school pictures, the American Church, Champs Elysees Marche Noel, and Alex got to take Coco the Monkey home for the weekend.