Z and GG visit.

Z and GG came to visit and we had a really nice time - we went to the Museum of Natural History where Alex touched a hissing cockroach. We also went to the Newseum where they have a piece of the Berlin Wall, a hanging helicopter, and other media exhibits including a piece of the antenna from the World Trade Center in the Sept 11th exhibit. Unfortunately a huge thunderstorm blew through when we were on the observation deck, so we couldn't go outside on the balcony.

Shana hung out also, and we had yummy steaks for dinner Sunday night.

Alex continues to love airplanes so we have been having dinner picnics at Gravelly point. Check out the pollution on that old MD-80, ugh.

Alex also likes to take off all his clothes but his diaper, put on his bike helmet and water shoes, and ride his tricycle indoors. (his legs almost reach the peddles).

"sentences" this past week have been exploding, including:

"Alex's blue car...up the hill...past Metro train tracks...watch airplane take off...in the sky"
"I see it too"

He seems to know directions too, where to go "turn here".
