February 22. Alex has been sick these past few days, turns out he has his first ear infection. But he is on medicine now and doing much better. Yesterday, Grannie came over to help out, and Alex said "kitty cat", his first words since "Da Da". Alex was looking right at Lincoln when he said it, clearly and distinctly! Alex also has started to pull up with both hands on the side of the crib (as opposed to just grabbing the vertical bars of the crib - Attica! Attica!). He just holds on and stays on his knees, but pulling up can't be too far away.

February 19. Hanging out, standing with help.

February 17 and 18. A visit to Toots and Poppie's in Wilmington. Alex had a good time, he crawled around and played with all the toys and books Toots has at her house. Auntie Shana was in town too for a quick visit.

February 16. Eating chicken, trying a sip cup, getting a "head butt" from Lincoln, sleeping and holding Lamont the Lobster from Kathleen. Alex loves Lamont.

February 15th. More pictures from the past few days. It has been a busy week so far! A bath, a snow/ice storm, a snow day, Dad went to NY, Alex played and ate and slept and slept and played with Lincoln!

Feb 13 - Alex has been busy crawling and pulling up on things.

Just three pictures from the last few days.
