
Showing posts from December, 2006

Alex goes to Charlotte!

Charlotte NC trip. Alex meets Aunt Beaty, Uncle Mace, and Cousins Angie and Evie - he had already met Mace and Suzanne in June. We went to visit Aunt Beaty and Uncle Mace in Charlotte for a few days. Cousin Angie was in town from California, and Mace and Suzanne came down from Maryland. Alex also got his second tooth on 12/28, three days after his first! Alex liked Charlotte and wants to go back for a longer visit and to eat some barbecue and visit with Aunt Beaty some more. We also got to see Juanice who was in town. The picture of the yellow house is 2400 Sedley Road, the first house Aunt Beaty and Uncle Mace lived in when they moved to Charlotte. Alex also gave his first "wave" to Cousin Angie!
December 27th. Smiling, being goofy, passing out and drooling. December 26th. Boxing Day at Mike and Debby's! Alex had a good time visiting with everyone. December 25th. Alex got his first tooth this morning! How exciting. We went to Grannie and Nagypapa's for Christmas lunch and presents - Alex really liked the tissue paper. Then we went to see the Cahoon, Kurtz and Estes family. More food, fun, and a gingerbread castle decorating contest. Alex had lots of smiles and laughs for everyone all day long. December 24th. Relaxing, eating, then we went to the Cahoon's for a nice Christmas Eve dinner and visit. Alex liked the train that David had set up, and to chew on the wrapping paper from his gift. Alex also didn't mind when Natalie put her Dora stickers on his back. December 23 pictures. We met Toots in Baltimore for a quick visit, then relaxed the rest of the day - including Lincoln who likes to sit on the leather cube.

Alex's first Thomas the Tank Engine!

December 22. Alex really likes the Drop & Roar Dinosaur Z and GG gave him! The Alex Show continues....... Sleepy baby! Alex was very tired after daycare and passed out after he devoured his applesauce, carrots, and formula. December 18. The Drasdo family gave Alex his first Thomas the Tank Engine, and Percy. Alex liked them a lot, he immediately started banging them together and chewing on them. Alex was very happy to see Dad back from England. Alex's shirt is a little messy from dinner, oops.

Alex as Jackie O!

Sunday Dec 17th. Reaching for the house plant, and eating toast! Saturday Dec 16th. A big weekend. We went to Kensington to visit Grannie and Nagypapa, and attend Mrs. Okrend's Hanukkah dinner. Alex had a great time, and enjoyed playing with Val's cousin's children, Livia and Josh. Alex had challah for the first time and liked it! He also liked to chew on the wooden spoon at Grannie and Nagypapa's. Thurs Dec 14th. Alex has been eating voraciously these past two days - a growth spurt? Who knows. He's eating more food and really grooving on it. See Alex play with the mouse and cheese toy from Maureen, and the blue elephant from Dane, Jenny and Beck, and get close to Lincoln. December 13th and 14th morning. Some pictures for Dad while he is in Manchester. Alex in his snowmen pjs, playing, and passed out! In the last two pictures, Alex was watching Lincoln as he came down the stairs. Pictures from Shana of Alex and Lincoln. Tuesday Dec 12. A bath, a nic...

Welcome Lincoln!

Saturday Dec 9th. A very big Saturday! First, Alex had prunes for the first time. Then he was so tired he fell asleep before we could get him in the car to drive to Baltimore to meet Shana. Alex's first trip to Baltimore, he enjoyed it. We looked at some apartments with Shana, and had snacks, mussels, and beers at Bertha's in Fells Point. Shana found a cool apartment in the Mount Vernon neighborhood of Baltimore. See Alex and JD sitting on the stoop of the building. Friday December 8th. We have adopted Shana's kitty Lincoln, he is 4 years old and a very sweet kitty. He flew up yesterday with Shana from Atlanta. Alex likes him too and we are all happy to have a pet in the house again.

Hooray for the Weekend!

Dec 6th and 7th. Not too much exciting or new these past few days. Lots of napping and eating and "squeal talking". Alex likes to squeal and imitate sounds we make. See Alex asleep in his crib at daycare. Alex is such a good sleeper! Mon Dec 4th Tues Dec 5th morning. Bundled up! It has finally gotten cold here (30°F) so Alex really has to bundle up - and lube his chapped runny nose with Burt's Bees apricot oil! Sunday December 3. Alex ate all the bananas! Mmmmmm. Alex was also very proud of himself, he rolled over on the changing table for the first time. Then we went to visit the Cahoon's, where Alex was enthralled with Natalie. Fri Dec 1 / Sat Dec 2. A relaxing Saturday. Alex took a 2 1/2 hour nap to recover from daycare, then watched football (Manchester United's 2-1 win over Middlesbrough) with Dad. We picked up Grannie from the airport, she had been in Charlotte visiting Aunt Beaty. Then we went to Kensington for a quick visit. Alex likes t...