Alex is 16 weeks old!
Saturday August 19. Dad went to England and all Mom did was take pictures at of Alex at home. Grannie came over for a visit and Alex had his first trip to Lowe's. Other activities of the day included a bath, napping, trying out his Bumbo seat from Andrea Duquette, and of course drooling. See Alex blow bubbles AND drool at the same time. He is so advanced! =)
Friday August 18. See Alex propped up on the couch, chubby baby! See Alex drool. Alex didn't do too much, just hung out, drooled, and slept while JD was in Manchester visiting friends.
August 17 pictures. See Alex in his "Big Boy Diaper" from daycare. See Alex make his "no lips" face.
August 16. Sleeping, smiling, giggling, waving arms, passing out.
August 15 pictures. Just a few since Alex was fussy from teething.
Monday August 14. A few pictures, Alex didn't do too much today. Some costume changes with all the drool and urps, nice. The green striped onesie Auntie Shaz gave him.
Sunday August 13 pictures. Some would say he is 4 months old, but not for those of you counting from the date of the 23rd. Alex had a nice day, we went for a walk in Old Town it was so nice, where Alex passed out in his stroller, and later woke up to shop at The Gap.
