Alex is 2 months old
June 23 evening. Margaritas at Chevy's and video games at Best Buy.
June 23 morning. Alex is wearing his cute OshKosh onesie Auntie Shaz sent.
June 22 pictures. More smiles, and talking (cooing, gurgling, etc).
June 21. Alex really likes to suck his right fist now. Auntie Shaz sent a cute bib "Shmutz" (a little mess).
June 21 evening. Smiles for JD after he returned from NY.
June 21 morning. A few more smiles.
June 20 pictures. Granny came over for a quick visit and Alex smiled for her.
June 19 evening. Tired after returning home from NY.
A very exciting weekend. Alex's first plane ride, and attended a JD work party in the Hamptons.
June 17 pictures. USAirways shuttle to NY. Research Science party in East Hampton. Clambake and chillin' at Steve's house. Alex had so much fun he slept 7 1/2 hours straight that night.
June 18 pictures. Southampton, East Hampton, Montauk - another good day.
June 19 pictures. Back to DC on the shuttle. Hillary Clinton sat in front of us but Alex was too shy to say anything to her.
