Alex just can't stop attending parties, but this was the biggest one yet. A big birthday bash at Barb and Bob's - chicken 'n biscuits, line dancing, moon bounce, and a big sleepover. Don't be deceived by the pictures, the rain actually stopped for most of the party. Getting clean for the party. Party pictures and the Day After. =========================== Sat July 1 pictures. Lunch at Granny and Nagypapa's. Alex smiled, hung out, and napped. Then we went to visit Val at her new condo. Later, Alex attended another party at our neighbor Chad's where he charmed the girlies, then fell asleep as music was playing, and went home and slept 7 hours! June 30 two month check-up. Alex weighs 13 lbs 4 oz (75-90th percentile), and is 24 1/2 inches long (95th percentile). He got 4 shots ("He's gotta have his dip-tet") and was pretty fussy but came out of it by Saturday. June 29 pictures. Some smiles. June 28 pictures. Giving Blue Dog lots of hugs....