Week #3
May 14 pictures A very big day for visitors. Cousin Jackie and Jud stopped by. Grandma Jackie (GJ) was in town, and Granny and Nagypapa also came over. Then we went to the Cahoon's (my first trip to the Cahoon's) for dinner and a movie. A very good weekend.
May 13 pictures Alex likes to stick his tongue out. He went to his first party in Reston. Grandma Jackie (GJ) came to visit.
May 12 pictures More funny faces, napped with Eddie, had more awake time.
May 11 pictures Alex's first trip out of Virginia, thru DC to Kensington, MD. Visit with Granny and Nagypapa. Art and Donna Romano came over.
May 10 pictures Dad tried the BabyBjorn. Alex makes more funny faces. Stomach time. Hanging with Dad while he plays FIFA 2006.
May 9 pictures Today Alex hung out, and went to the grocery store.
May 8 pictures Alex's two week doctor's appt, gained 14 ounces (8lbs 9 oz) and grew an inch (21"). Got Hep B shot and only cried when they stuck me. Favorite things to do right now - look at myself in the mirror. Cross my eyes. Make an "O" with my mouth. Sleep with my arms above my head. Breathe through my mouth. Drool when I am sleeping.
