
Showing posts from January, 2010

last two weeks in the US

Pictures. Pictures from our last two weeks in the US. Alex had a good time, playing in the snow that just wouldn't melt, helping to cook, eating, helping Grannie in the yard, and playing and reading with Aunt Andrea. Then it was time to leave and Alex was very sad, he especially wanted Grannie's new radio. But then he recovered and was happy to run around Dulles and fall asleep on the plane.

Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum Udvar-Hazy Center

Pictures. Alex's pictures from the museum. Last week we went to the Air & Space Udvar-Hazy Center near Dulles Airport. We saw tons of cool airplanes and space stuff including a Space Shuttle. We also rode in a simulator which Alex liked for a few minutes, then decided he really didn't like it!

Weekend - and Natalie's 6th Birthday!

Pictures. We made a quick trip to Frederick on Saturday to visit Ilana & Craig & Brian & Lindsey, and Toots drove down also. Natalie's 6th Birthday party. After Frederick, Alex and I zipped down to Carrie's for Natalie's 6th Birthday party! Movie - Happy Birthday Natalie. Movie - Cahoon Dance Party.

still chillin' in the US

Pictures. Bath time (since we don't have a bath tub in Paris, Alex must take a bath every day at Grannie's). Using the cool vacuum at Pottery Barn Kids, snacks at the Cahoon's, a planning session at Kensington Kabob, and the car wash. Pictures. Saving food for the rabbits, Alex and Grannie at dinner, exercises (Alex likes to do Grannie's exercises), riding the tricycle on the snow piles that have yet to melt, more bathing, helping Andrea make a pizza, more snow, getting our fast food fix at Popeye's, and a trip to the craft store.

more snow in DC....but only a few inches this time

Pictures. We've been here long enough to experience our second snow fall in DC, this time only a few inches. But Alex loves the snow and had to get right out there and ride his tricycle in it and help clean off the cars. Movies: Alex cleans Papa's car Alex tricycle in the snow Alex shovels snow

Happy New Year!

Alex and Eddy, show us your muscles! Pictures. We had a three day whirlwind visit to Lynchburg, VA to see relatives who live there (Jackie and Jud and Aunt Trina) but also some that drove from Maryland (Mace Jr, Suzanne and Eddy) and Charlotte, NC (Aunt Beaty and Evie and Angie - who really came from Sonora, CA). A great time was had at the Best Western, including New Year's Eve across the parking lot from the motel at the Texas Steakhouse & Saloon. Movies: Movie of Alex & his Dad doing Hungry Like the Wolf at The Drowsy Poet Cafe. Eddy plays the drums. Eddy and his Grandmother (my Aunt Beaty) sing "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer". Bed jumping. More bed jumping.

Visit to Wilmington

Poppie and Alex Wilmington pictures. Toots' camera. We had a nice visit to Toots and Poppie's house. Shana was there, Diane and Murray came over for dinner, Coco the new kitty entertained us, and one day we went to the Please Touch Museum in Philadelphia where Alicia joined us. Then there was a good meal at Sabrina's Cafe .