
Showing posts from June, 2009
Past few days. A few days in Paris before our trip back to the US for a summer visit- playground, etc. Alex and I flew to Dulles on Friday - Alex was mostly good on the flight. The Air France movie selection helped! Grannie and Aunt Andrea met us at the airport. We were back at Grannie's house for less than an hour and Alex was in the kiddie pool and riding his tricycle. After some jet lag, there was second breakfast at McDonald's, and a sorely needed haircut at the barber shop. More pool, chalk, bubbles, Skype with Dad in Paris, and Yolanda stopped by to visit.
Alex and his teachers, Kim and Chrystelle. Monday and Tuesday. On Monday, Alex's preschool went to a marionette show in the park near the Eiffel Tower. Tuesday was Alex's last day at preschool for the summer and there was a party.
Me, Alex, and the Mayor of Levallois Sunday pictures. I bum rushed the Mayor of Levallois for a picture (maybe we can get an intro to Sarkozy). Shrimp snacks on Saturday night. Yes, they come with the heads on. Alex likes to scream "take the head off!" Sunday, the second day of the Fete de l'ete. The weather was better and Alex got more of the sand pit -- and some moon bounce (structure inflatable). And the elephant. We hung out with a co-worker of JD's and her family and had a nice time.
Alex's favorite dessert, a "chouquette". This past week. Alex playing a video game (it's soccer of course). A curious police escort near Invalides. Alex found his life jacket. Grannie sent Alex stickers - which he promptly put on his face! Reading. At the playground. A wedding at the town hall. The Summer Festival in our town, unfortunately it was rainy and cloudy today. Alex enjoyed the sand pit and moon bounce with balls anyway. And there was an elephant!
Versailles. On Saturday we went to Versailles, which is exactly as the guide books describe it "magnificent, expansive, and full of the longest lines you'll ever find" to enter the Palace. So we walked around the gardens instead, and decided we'll go back another time for the Chateau tour. Unfortunately, the fountains only run at certain times of the day, but even without the water they were still impressive.
This week. We had rain over the weekend and into the week, so a lot of inside pictures! Saturday we broke out the stroller bubble (Boy in the Plastic Bubble) and went to the mall. Alex made friends at a restaurant by speaking French to our waiter (Bonjour Chef!). Alex kept calling the waiter "Chef" since the water was wearing a chef's hat. However, we did have a nice day for most of Sunday, where we enjoyed the Farmer's Market in our town square. Alex loved the rides (complete with Easter decorations) and the moon bounce. JD enjoyed the free tastings of escargot and blue cheese! We walked all over Levallois and explored parts of our town near the Seine. The picture of the man on the scooter with the suction hose, taken from behind - that's the dog pooper sucker machine! Check out that egg on the frisee lardon. Yesterday we received a care package from Carrie & David and Family! Including - spices, brownies, candy, letters from each member of the Cahoon f...

La Ferme

La Ferme de Gally. Alex's first preschool fieldtrip to a "farm" a little south of Paris with his class. There were ducks, goats, donkeys, pigs, cows, and rabbits. Basically, 27 children ran around for two hours and the Moms (and Dad) ran after them. Alex said his favorite part were the "vache" (cows) and tractors.
Madrid. We just returned from a few days in Madrid. We really loved the city - the weather, food, people, architecture, plazas, parks and water fountains. We managed to go to the Prado Museum for a bit, and of course had paella and sangria. We also took a double-decker tour bus tour since we didn't have much time and wanted to see a lot of the city.