
Showing posts from December, 2007


Fun at the beach. We spent three days at Bethany with Carrie, David, Spencer, Mitchell, Natalie, Rose, Beth, Kathleen & Jeff! What fun. Lots of good food, laughs, playing the Wii, karaoke, and just hanging out. Maureen, John and Maisie who were also in Bethany came over for dinner. Check out that 10 lb prime rib Jeff cooked! We tore it up.
New pictures Eating a pear. Going to National Geographic in DC with Spencer and Mitchell and the Cahoon's. Eating ice cream. Gee, I thought Liverpool had an "l" at the end? Transferring crayons and carrying them around. Finally, a haircut!
Pictures from the week. Alex begging popcorn from JD. Visiting at Grannie and Nagypapa's. Washing the dishes at daycare. Playing the piano. Sleeping with sock monkey. New words this week include "No!" and "Bite" as in "let me have a bite of what you're eating".
Barb's Holiday Dinner. Barb hosted a really nice dinner for family and friends at Bobby Van's Steakhouse. We couldn't get Alex to stand with all the other children for the group reindeer portrait, he was too busy running around the room. Thanks Barb for a really nice dinner and evening.
December 15. Playing and eating and playing and being a goofball. Alex thought it was funny to wipe my mouth with the washcloth after I wiped his. At daycare Alex likes to dance to the music so we got out his radio at home. Alex also liked chasing Lincoln with the new cat toy. Later, completely unprompted, Alex pulled up his pants and was walking around. Perhaps the overalls made him want to do a jig.
Alex with the crazy hair. More pictures from last week.
December 11. Ice skating at Reston Town Center with Carrie, Spencer, Mitchell and Natalie. Alex enjoyed the holiday lights.
Big weekend picture dump. We spent the weekend in Delaware at Toots and Poppie's for Hanukkah. Ilana, Craig, Brian (25 months) and Lindsey (6 months) were also there, and Aunt Shana. A lot of fun was had as you can see by the pictures. I don't know who was more excited by the fact that Toots had kept JD's Matchbox cars - Alex or JD! Then on Sunday we went to the Brandywine River Museum to see the train exhibit, and to the Charcoal Pit for lunch. Mmmmmmmmmmm. December 7th. Reading, crazy hair, and a really cool truck puzzle from Cousin's Jackie and Jud.
December 5th. Fun at Grannie's, including another gift, doughnuts, and sitting at the table. Alex also likes to try to do Nagypapa's hand trick himself. December 4th. Gifts and brisket and a cool menorah from Toots.
Saturday Sunday Alex and I spent the weekend in Kensington at Grannie and Nagypapa's since JD was in England. We had a good time. Alex got a new toy lawnmower he loved. He also enjoyed looking at all of Nagypapa's radio equipment, watching the squirrels in the front yard, using the computer, and playing with an old school telephone.